As graphmastur judges the challenge 9 programs, challenge 10 can now be played.
Here we are:
In this challenge, you must make a Connect 4 game with an AI that plays against a human. To make sure that all of the rules of Connect 4 are established:
- Two plays play against each other with two different color tiles: white and black.
- The playing field is 6 rows X 7 columns, rows being horizontal and columns being vertical.
- Players alternate dropping their markers into the playing field with gravity effective. Practically, the player selects which of the seven columns to drop the talent, and it falls to the bottom or on top of the highest coin.
- The first player to get 4 in a row, either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally, wins.
In the program, these rules are non negotiable:
- The program must work and be free of all bugs that inhibit gameplay
- There must be an option for allowing the AI to go first
- The AI must not cheat
- A win must be made obvious (if a four in a row occurs, it must pronounce the winner)
- The program must be in PURE BASIC.
- The program should be less than 20000 bytes in size
The overall point of this challenge is to create a fully functional AI that is competent. To determine the best AI, AI's will be played against each other via two calculators, and the champion AI will be declared as the winner program. Thus, as the overall focus of the challenge is to build a competent AI, size or graphics will not be factored into the challenge, just as long as the program is down-loadable and it is obvious which talents belong to one player and which belong to the other.
Have fun!
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me