im writing another encryption algorithm, and it involves expanding the key.
to make the decryption keys, the encryption keys are made first, and then edited
on the computer, i labeled the keys 0-51, rather than 1-52,so every index is 1 less than the indexes shown below
s49* s50# s51# s52* s47 s48
s43* s45# s44# s46* s41 s42
s37* s39# s38# s39* s35 s36
s31* s33# s32# s34* s29 s30
s25* s27# s26# s28* s23 s24
s19* s21# s20# s22* s17 s18
s13* s15# s14# s16* s11 s12
s7* s9# s8# s10* s5 s6
s1* s2# s3# s4*
sXX* = multiplicative inverse of sXX modulus ((2^16)+1)
sXX# = additive inverse of sXX modulus (2^16)
for x in range(8): key += [invmod(temp[48-6*x]), two_comp(temp[50-6*x]), # i know these 2 are switched, but for some reason, two_comp(temp[49-6*x]), # they give the right outputs for the others invmod(temp[51-6*x]), temp[46-6*x], temp[47-6*x] ] key += [invmod(temp[0]),two_comp(temp[1]),two_comp(temp[2]),invmod(temp[3])] # invmod is multiplicative inverse # two_comp is additive inverse
This is what im getting:
0011 2233 4455 6677 8899 aabb
ccdd eeff 6688 aacc ef11 3355
7799 bbdd fe00 2244 99de 2266
aaef 3377 bbfc 0044 88cd 1155
cd55 de66 ef77 f800 8911 9a22
ab33 bc44 cdde eff0 0112 2334
4556 6778 899a abbc e002 2446
688a acce f113 3557 799b bddf
8cd1 1559 9de2 266a
This is the correct output
0011 4455 2233 6677 8899 aabb
ccdd eeff 6688 aacc ef11 3355
7799 bbdd fe00 2244 99de 2266
aaef 3377 bbfc 0044 88cd 1155
cd55 de66 ef77 f800 8911 9a22
ab33 bc44 cdde eff0 0112 2334
4556 6778 899a abbc e002 2446
688a acce f113 3557 799b bddf
8cd1 1559 9de2 266a
Can anyone tell me why this is happening?
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