I got an 84+SE for my first year of high school (this year), and the first thing that I wanted to do with it was to learn what to do with this cool "prgm" button. I searched the web for a tutorial that explained stuff to someone who doesn't know the ABC's. There were plenty of those but the all stopped after D. Eventually I found this site, and here I am.My programing achievements include Ti-Sokoban (a homescreen sokoban game with a wicked title animation) , a Lights out game that uses inverted text and PRISMS and CUBES (a one point perspective 3D engine).
Currently, I am working on rewriting parts of the Sokoban engine to use a string instead of the matrix for map data (thus making it faster on 83's) and contributing to the community 3D engine.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-Philip K. Dick