Okay. for the last year or so, i have been working on…….
Halo for the 84+!(It uses timers)
So far, I have had to remake it 5+ times because of random rom deletions (Due to my friends playing mario…) and I have the current version, featuring different enemies (Grunts, Elites, Hunters, a Zealot mini-boss, and a Prophet is planned for the future), weapons & grenades, minigame-ish segments, a storyline based on the fall of reach (somewhat) save & continue, multiplayer (NYT), and a better engine than ever before! Halo is my biggest (and best) program ever, at 4737 bytes. All of my friends love it! The one thing i need help with…
Is ASCII weapon graphics! they need to be a maximum of 4 characters long, 1 line tall.
E.G. {^,= for fuel rod gun
Others i have are:
[ֿ¹≥, (sentinel beam)
)= (needler)
=[≠= (RL)
]=== (CESw)
≠=== (shotgun)
[II≥ (SpLaser)
I>== (beam rifle)
{ֿ¹≥- (carbine)
I need more. Please, Halo 1 weapons only. Otherwise, I am doing pretty well on this project.
P.S. Yes, i know that SpLasers aren't in Halo 1. I just got carried away trying to find good weapon art.
Oh, and these are for the icons in the top right corner…