Recently, I have been working on improving the quality of some TI-Basic Developer documentation and introducing several new resources for the community. In the last few months, TI|BD has seen an increase in user activity, and a relative influx of new members. Most other TI calculator enthusiast sites, like CodeWalrus and Omnimaga, have an associated IRC channel and chatbox for users to communicate and discuss subjects in real-time. Although TI-Basic Developer aims to provide a high quality repository of information and tutorials, there is no substitute for person-to-person communication as demonstrated by our Discussion Forums.
To help fill the gap, I have created the #tibasicdev IRC channel on EFnet. To connect to the channel and communicate with others, you can use the browser-based client embedded below, or your own IRC client such as mIRC or HexChat. Going forward, I would like to create either a standalone page with a TI|BD chatbox in it, or a site-wide collapsible floating chatbox linked to the IRC channel. Please let me know your opinions on this, so that they can be taken into consideration.