Hi team,
I've been doing some TI-Basic development on TI-84+ (monochrome) and came across what seems to be a bug in the DelVar command (at least on the latest OS 2.55MP).
When deleting any list variable, it removes the last list in the list editor, even if the two lists are not related.
Here's a short example that demonstrates the bug:
SetUpEditor L₁,L₂
DelVar ⌊AA
When I run these commands, and then open the list editor (STAT, ENTER), I would expect to see L₁ and L₂ displayed, but only L₁ is.
It actually doesn't matter which lists you specify in SetUpEditor, or which list you create and delete, the same thing occurs.
I noticed that repeated DelVar calls do not keep removing lists from the editor, it only happens once, until the next SetUpEditor call.
Can anyone else confirm that this happens on their calculator too? I noticed it seems to have been fixed in the TI-84+ CE editions, so maybe it was discovered and patched since the latest TI-84+ OS release.
The two workarounds I know about so far are:
- Specify an additional column in your SetUpEditor, expecting that it the last one will likely get removed during the next DelVar
- Call SetUpEditor AFTER the DelVar if you want to ensure it is exactly as you specified, but expect that any future deletion of a list will still remove the last column
If others confirm that this indeed happens to them, I might document this in the wiki.