Please help, I am unable to convert a program for Slope Field provided by my kid's calc teacher for TI-83/84 into my kid's TI-nspire. I'm stuck at the Ymin and Ymax fields. And is there an equivalent for ClrDraw? So far I haven't found a command that does this, though this is less important than the other lines of code.
SLOPEFLD (graph the slope field for a differential equation y f(x, y)) Input: Differential equation y f (x, y)
Output: Slope field for the differential equation
This program draws slope fields on both the TI-82 and TI-83.
Prgm SLOPFLD :10→L
:10→W :(YmaxYmin) /L→V :(XmaxXmin) /W→H :ClrDraw
:Lbl 1
:Lbl 2
:Y →M 1
:M*H/4Y→S :M*H/4Y→T :XH/4→P :XH/4→Q
:If abs (TS) .7V :Goto 3
:Lbl 4
:Line (P, S, Q, T) :Z→Y
:If CW
:Goto 2 :YV→Y :If RL :Goto 1 :Stop
:Lbl 3 :Y.35V→T :Y.35V→S :(TY) /MX→Q :(SY) / MX→P :Goto 4
Program by: Mark Howell, Gonzaga School, Washington, D.C.