Transition From TI-84 to NSpire Programming Help
So I used to program for the TI-84 quite a bit a few years ago. I'm back with the NSpire and I'm trying to go about creating a program which can be started by selecting it in the Documents folder and then you have to enter in a number (choice) based on the menu that is shown to you. I created a quick a simple program for Ohms Law to test with. Although when I go to run it it says that there is a argument error. Any suggestions?
I typed this up using the PC software from TI by the way.
Define ohmslaw()=
:Disp "***Ohms Law***"
:Local choice
:Local V,I,R
:Disp "1) Find Voltage"
:Disp "2) Find Current"
:Disp "3) Find Resistance"
:Request "Choice",choice
:If choice = 1 Then
: Disp "Enter Current: "
: Request "Current",I
: Disp "Enter Resistance: "
: Request "Resistance",R
: V=I*R
: Disp "Voltage = ", V
:ElseIf choice = 2 Then
: Disp "Enter Voltage: "
: Request "Voltage",V
: Disp "Enter Resistance: "
: Request "Resistance",R
: I=V/R
: Disp "Current = ", I
:ElseIf choice = 3 Then
: Disp "Enter Voltage: "
: Request "Voltage",V
: Disp "Enter Current: "
: Request "Current",I
: R=V/I
: Disp "Resistance = ", R
:Disp "Invalid Char"