Where are you from?
I'm from Singapore. I've just gotten into a Junior College( the 'A'-Level track here) and the graphical calculator I am about to purchase, the TI-84, is apparently programmable.
What do you do? Any hobbies?
I'm a student. Hobbies include PC and Console games like StarCraft and Titanfall, and web programming.
How long have you been programming? What languages?
I started programming seriously (that is, actually learning stuff and progressing past the basics) about 3 years ago, and liked JavaScript. I do have some experience in C++ and Java, along with Android Java, but only the basics in these.
What projects are you working on?
Heh, tons of half-finished ones. Games, nodeschool tutorials, even half-finished concepts if those are counted.
Why did you join? (I threw this question in)
I like learning about cool stuff. This seems like a fun thing to do, since I'm gonna be spending a bomb on a calculator, I may as well make the most out of it :P
Nice to see you all.