So… Hi!
I am currently living on planet Earth. Just an icebreaker ;D
So! About me:
- I like programming, math, and reading, which kind of all go together nicely when programming.
- My hobbies are the things I just listed as well… plus video games. Can't forget that XD
- I have been programming for a few years, mostly in various BASICs, but recently I learned HTML and CSS, and plan on learning JavaScript.
- My current project includes a SmileBASIC to Ti-BASIC converter program (in SmileBASIC :P), a logarithm equation solver (not the greatest but it worked for sveral of my test questions :P), and a pixel art editor on my TI-84+CE. And a probably dead tower defense game in SmileBASIC, still not sure on whether I'll finish it :D
I think what I can mostly offer the community is fairly simple programs, I used to think I was very good until I started downloading some programs… hah, I think i'm average now ;)
I hope to learn to become better a TI-BASIC, mostly in the range of optimization. I want to become better at this, so I can understand it as well - I'll see programs where I have have barely any idea how they work because they are so optimized and compact (and sometimes messy too :D)
So yeah! That's me! I decided to finally register an account here because I visited a lot anyways, so why not? TI-BASIC for the win! :D