The 8Th challenge will be to create the best possible game that is under 1 kilobyte (defined to be 1024 bytes and excluding the name).
More information can be found here.
I will be judging the contest, so just ask me if you have any questions! :)
Recent Threads
The 8Th challenge will be to create the best possible game that is under 1 kilobyte (defined to be 1024 bytes and excluding the name).
More information can be found here.
I will be judging the contest, so just ask me if you have any questions! :)
Which is why I asked how many bytes was a kilobyte. 1000 or 1024. I see we are going with the metric definition of kilo, instead of the 2^10 power thing.
I will try.
without the program name, i assume?
Right, with so little memory to use, it would be a shame to give an 8 byte advantage to a game of a smaller name! I altered the rules to reflect this.
A Kilobyte IS 1024 bytes, no more, no less. Come on guys, you should know this!
It depends on how you look at it. A kilobyte is 1024 bytes, or it could be a Kilo of bytes, which is 1000. either way, I defined it to be 1000 for reasons of aesthetics.
So I was thinking of a Judgment day of the last day of May? That should be plenty of time, but if not, we could always extend it.
just a quick question. where in the heck is the challenge page?
Main Content>
I don't think I'm good enough at basic to even think about trying this..
EDIT: I changed challenge to define 1kb as 1024 bytes. Bytes are in binary which means 2^10 is 1024 instead of using 10^3 like in the decimal system.
I think the challenge should be TRUE to 1 kilobyte for reasons of aesthetics.
i would say thats more than a "little" bit hidden…
Maybe someone can put a link to it on the main page. Wouldn't be too hard.
I always found it because there is a link to it in the first program challenge thread
...for reasons of aesthetics.
I was trying to be sarcastic without being mean. I think it worked :P
I changed the challenge page to set the Judgment Day to the 31st of May. Would that world for everybody, or do we need more time.
Do you get more points if your game is under 1K? I have a pretty fun game at around 300 bytes right now :)
No, all games will be judged equally, independent of size. The only time size comes into play is if you go over 1K, and then you are disqualified. So your best off adding as many things as possible to get the most out of that 1K of space. :)
Buuut, of course you can leave your file size just the way it is if you want ;)
Hi, can we use xLib ?
If yes, if I use a picture, will it count in my 1KB limit ? I mean my program can be under 1KB but I need to use a pic.
Games must be made in PURE Ti Basic. No libs of any kind, and no writing in other created languages, (Such as BBCBasic)
That pretty much says it.
May I suggest My program. If you like it, rate it up!!!
How does that relate to this question?
The picture can be recalled with lines rather than a picture I guess.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Just a reminder, we have 9 days left!
I believe we might have 3 contestants, although there have been no conformations (hint hint). Programs are due on May 31st!
Should I make an announcement?
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
i want to compete, but i have a few problems, i don't know what to make, and i have end of grade exams in a week, so i dont know how much time im going to have =(
Maybe we should postpone the due date a little bit?
Alright, I am officially postponing the contest until the 15th of June. That good?
17th here
Should I change it to the 18th? ;)
20th just to make it even, and can we change the bytes to 1024 please?
Bytes are up to 1024 as indicated by the first post.
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me
alright, 20th it is. And yes, the official maximum size is 1024 bytes
no, everything must be compiled into one single program.
I have a 41 byte chunk that needs to be called 4 times. I guess instead of 5 points, I will use one.
You could use recursion:
If A≠4815
Goto A
Lbl B
Disp "This is a subprogram
Lbl A
Disp"This is the main program
prgrmA //Calls itself
or advanced goto usage:
Goto A
Lbl B
Disp "This is a subprogram
Lbl A
Disp"This is the main program
If A
Goto B
There are other options than splitting your program in two.
I tried something like the first one, and it quit the program. (Yes I did a test.) I limited it to a pixel, so it is fine.
what was the output? The example program above should display
This is the main program
This is a subprogram
and then quit.
The return doesn't work. Look:
Lbl A
Disp "First Stop
Goto B
Disp "Did we make it?
Lbl B
Disp "2nd Stop
well that's not going to work at all because there is no point where you call the program itself.
My original code had 1 small typo, its a ≠, not a =. I tested it and it works.
Its imperative that you use a return and not a stop, as they have different uses. Stop halts all program execution, while return returns to the program calling it.
You didn't even type it into your calculator. If you had, you would have noticed that when the program starts, it starts at the beginning at label A. It then displays "First Stop". It then goes to B. It displays "2nd Stop". The return statement then exits the program, not returns. Otherwise it would say "Did we make it?" one the screen.
I will warn you this recursion method is very likely to cause memory errors I would suggest trying just to hardcode it in and graphmastur please stop being so rude.
I am sorry, but I had already tested it and think it is also rude when somebody says something will work, or won't work without testing it. As for the recursion one, it wouldn't work, because I would have to call it 4 times in one repeat loop. There are 2 repeat loops. That is a total of 41 * 8 = 328 bytes. So I just did it down to a pixel.
it wont cause memory errors, as you return back to the original program after each recursive call.
And if you needed to call it 4 times, you would just… call it 4 times
You just compounded my statement. It doesn't work, or else it would reach the statement "did we make it".
I think you misunderstand the point of the return statement and maybe the concept of recursion altogether. The only reason you would use a return statement instead of a stop, is that a return returns to the program that called it. If the OS called it, it will return to the OS (The equivalent to stopping). In order for recursion to be succesfull, you need the program to call itself.
and then return to the point at which it was called with a return statement.
Perhaps I should comment my code more:
If A≠4815 //assuming A≠4815 when the program is ececuted, the program flow
Goto A // will continue to Label B, the main body of the program
Lbl B //this is the sub-program, which will only be reached if A=4815
Disp "This is a subprogram //4815 was chosen because it is an unlikely number for A
Return // to be set to by chance
Lbl A //Label A represents the start of the main body
Disp"This is the main program
4815→A //A needs to be set to 4815 so that when the program is called (by itself)
prgrmA //it will go to the sub-program code instead of the main body
//After the parser hits the return in the called program, it will return here
//Just like you executed a subprogram
I might also add that your 'test' program bears no resemblance to either of my test programs
I have a question on optimization and coding category. The reason I ask, is due to the fact that I am not a very optimized programer, and have not programmed a TI in a while. So, I was wondering how lax that category is? Because If you count off because my program is badly coded, but it is still under 1024 bytes, will you count it?
My program shows in memory 1019, and it has a five byte name, so it is really 1014 bytes giving me a total of 10 extra bytes to use or keep free.
That category will be the most lax of the three. As long as you aren't doing anything extremely horrible, you should be fine. The majority of the points will be given by Playability/Enjoyment, and Memory Usage. This challenge is all about how good of a game you can fit into 1024, not whether or not you are the best coder in the world.
…in fact, since lack of optimizations means that you are only cheating yourself out of available memory, i think I will eliminate the category altogether, since it kind of punishes you already through the other categories.
EDIT: Note that this shouldn't change the goal of the contest. Don't think you're going to need to rewrite anything ;)
I haven't uploaded it yet, because I kinda want it to be a surprise.
However, I will give you a hint: It is a game with rough terrain, because it is in the middle of a battlefield.
Ahhhhh, very nice ;)
And congratulations on becoming a moderator!
wait so we are or are not allowed to use subprograms?
Quote: no, everything must be compiled into one single program.