Hi! I'm an undergraduate studying applied physics, and still holding on to a TI-89 that was my mom's when she was in high school (pretty sure it counts as a family heirloom, right?). I've been programming for awhile; my favorite language is Python, but I started with JavaScript/HTML/CSS using Khan Academy's series way back when it was first coming out. In middle school, I was bored in math class and so programmed my calculator to solve quadratics for me :) I never did a ton of programming because typing programs by hand when I could touch type was…mildly excruciating…but I finally got a graphlink cable and am trying to get things set up. Joined because TI Connect is testing my patience. Hobbies include but are not limited to going on long walks, reading (favorite author: Tolkien; ridiculous fact: I own four translations of Beowulf. It's a problem. Maria Headley's translation is incredibly funny!), DMing for my D&D group, baking, and picking up new time consuming hobbies (I am mostly joking, and yet…). Nice to meet y'all!