The idea of this program is creating a smart yet advanced 3dengine witch uses a clever-rendering calculation (algorithm) that calculates the cordinates of (for instance) a cube. I am still struggling with the code and any help is very much apreciated but once done the beta version (pre-release) hopefully will have these futures
Drawing of (basic) 3d objects
Detail on or off
Zoom and Pan
Rotate along X-axis
Rotate along Y-Axis
Hopefully (much) more!
The great thing about it is that it is completely open-source!
That means that if someone upgrades this program they have no restrictions accept to give me some sort of credit :P.
Of course if this program grows it MAY get these features:
-Real Time calculation on the objects
-real time physics rendering.
now if, AND ONLY IF, this program is immensly popular and is consistandly "upgraded" by everyone then it should become a small 3dsmax for the Ti 83-84(+)
these last things are way out of my knowledge of programming language , so if anyone wants to join. be my guest! PM me and please name the SUBJECT: Algosz or something similar.
o yeah, Algosz stands for ALGOrithm and the SZ just sounds cool :D
(No rights reserved)
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