Hello everyone, it's been a long time. I've given it some thought, and I think it is my time to depart from this site. I've had great times with all of you, but I think my time here has come to an end.
I'll miss all of you, I've had a blast here.
Why I am leaving Wikidot
Because I have grown out of my shell, I have a life and I think it is my time to retire. I love you all, I'll miss you.
Farewell Trenly, it was nice being able to talk to you.
If any of you wish to contact me, please send a message to my public email address: moc.liamg|2821drazahoib#moc.liamg|2821drazahoib
If you have discord, I am AClaw#9257
I am deleting this account, so please do not send any private messages to it.
Have a good life, stay safe in the pandemic.
And before I go, got a little secret to spill.
I am the same user as Thel 'Vadamee, TI-Basic Dude, Jul 'Mdama, all of those useless personalities.
I've grown up and matured, so no need to delete this post or ban this account.
You won't get any more trolling from me, I promise. ;3
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.