Greetings everyone.
I am a recently retired chemist who finally has time to do things that interest me. While I've spent 45 years working in various laboratories doing chemistry stuff my experience with programmable calculators and computers is rather wide and varied.
My first experience with programmable calculators was with a TI-58C and TI-59 back in 1980. My first experience with programming a computer goes back before that when my High School offered a course in programming FORTRAN. I wrote these programs using punch cards (anyone know what those are?) and they ran on a main frame. My next experience with programming came when I got to write programs for an Apple ][+ and Apple //e. I originally started programming in BASIC but then learned to program the Apple in assembly (6502 and 65C02). Around 1988 my laboratory bought an Apple ][GS so I used what I learned programming the Apple //e to integrate the Apple ][GS with the laboratory balances by writing a program in assembly. This was the beginning of computers being integrated in a chemistry laboratory. So when I began my career every analysis was done by hand and there were no computers and when I retired almost everything is done using a computer. There are very few instruments that are not hooked up to a computer now.
I liked the Apple ][GS enough that I bought one in 1988. Right at this time the company whose assembler I was using offered a C compiler. So I started my journey learning to program in C. Over the following decades I have written programs in C for Macs, PCs and even a little bit for Linux. Sometime in early 2000, again for work I started using a TI-83+ and learned to write utility programs in TI-Basic. Sometimes it was just a lot easier and faster to do that then write a program on the computer.
Computers have gotten so complex now that I don't particularly enjoy writing programs for them. Looking for simpler times in my retirement I decided that I would return to my roots so I bought a TI-84+CE and am attempting to learn the ins and outs of programming it in C and in ez80 assembly. And that, folks, is why I am here! I am hopeful that I can use this sites resources to learn this stuff.
The Saint