Recently, I have had questions about posting in threads, specifically ones that are 2+ months old. Now, this isn't usually a big deal, but it's getting a bit cumbersome to consistently tell new users the same thing. Everyone here would appreciate it if you could make new threads in their appropriate category, and reference the old thread by pasting the link or saying you are referencing the old thread.
As stated in the Code of Conduct, please refrain from posting in threads (as of this month) that were created before November. This makes more past and current threads clean and easier to read. If other users are doing it, that doesn't mean you can.
I do not mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but please follow the guidelines so it will make life easier for the site Moderators and Administrators. Have a good day! :)
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.