challenge: create a program that computes one of these mathematical constants:
√2, √3, √5, golden ratio, Apéry's constant, e, pi, ln(2), Plastic number, Reciprocal Fibonacci constant.
1. the constant being computed by the program has to be on one of the given constants above.
2. the program has to be able to compute at minimum the first 20 digits of said constant chosen by the programmer.
3. the program has to be executable on any calculator in the TI-83 family or the TI-84 Plus family.
4. Assembly programs and/or subprograms can be used, but they must be included with the main program when submitted.
5. the program has to be no bigger than 25000 bytes if it can be executed on a TI-83, otherwise the limit is 6 times that.
6. the programs must be as optimized as you can make it. and yes, you can enlist the help of fellow TI-BASIC programmers in the community.
programs must be submitted by January 15th, 2021.
programs will be ranked by memory size. the winner will be announced on February 7th, 2021. (note: "memory size" is defined as the size of the main program in bytes plus the size of any and all subprograms in bytes.)
although it's not required, it will be helpful to optimize for speed. for example displaying a variable only when it changes in value.
oh and another thing: I may not be able to test all of your programs or make the Feb 7 due date, as I am a high schooler that gets a lot of work.
(edit: the program also has to store the computed digits in a string or a list.)
(edit 2: to submit your project for this competition, send a message with the project code in it)