Hey, I am a 14-year-old male. I graduated high school through homeschooling last year. Now I do several AP classes at the local high school and Chinese. I got a TI-83+ when I started Algebra I a few years ago. I sat down with my calculator for an hour or so every day for a few weeks keying in programs I found on the web and doing tutorials until I understood TI-BASIC. I have made many programs, but most of them are games. In my opinion, the 4 best programs I've made are an FPS game (which took me 2 weeks to code and is a little slow, but it's still is pretty cool) called TunnelRat83, a custom version of Donkey Kong (which has ridiculous load times, I'm afraid to admit), an Asteroids game which is fast and uses little memory (the code can be found in a post of mine entitled "TI-BASIC Downward Scrolling Technique for Asteroids game"), and a game in which you fall through an endless hole (this game reflects my mental health, just kidding!). The first two games use matrixes to load maps, making them a little slow, and the second two games use a downward scrolling technique I've been working on.
Hey, just introducing myself.
I'm a 14 year old high school student with a TI-83+.