So a week or two ago I was bored and had some time on my hands, and decided to develop this isometric terrain generator:

It originally just started out as a height map in a matrix, where I programmed the generator to make blocks that are only 1 higher or lower than their neighbors. After a few days I made a rough looking isometric render, then quickly changed it too look sharper and more colorful. I also made it so that you could edit the map, and I also moved the storage over to a list.
So, you can have the program generate a map for you or you can edit a map to make things like this:

The isometric rendering takes about 39-42 seconds on average on my CE, thanks to some optimizations by Cemetech user mr womp womp, which is a significant improvement from a time of 1:25-2:23 when I first started.
It could technically be changed to generate all the blocks instead of just the top ones, but because the top blocks usually cover up what's under/behind them there's really no point in slowing down the rendering that much. I will probably make a modeling program with this soon though specifically for making 3d models. Oh, and you can also rotate the terrain already to render it from all 4 corner angles.
Anyways, I hope you like it!
You can see the whole GitHub repository and download the .8xp from here:
You can also see my original Cemetech thread here: