With the lock-down and everything closing down and the fact I cannot work, I eventually got bored and I began doing some updates to my old calculator games. First, Illusiat Collection got updated, then my HP Prime Tunnel game and now, First Fantasy: Mana Force for the TI-84 Plus CE.

First Fantasy: Mana Force is a 2015 color remake of my 2002 TI-83 Plus game Mana Force. I have begun updating the TI-84 Plus CE version to take full advantage of CE Texlib ASM library (to draw rectangles and colored text on the home screen) undocumented capabilities. Here are the changes since the last 2015 release:
-The gray TI-OS bar at the top of the screen is now hidden.
-The in-game menu now takes the entire screen and has a border
-Fixed menu exit from save section bug introduced by the above change
-Dungeon walls no longer have horizontal gaps across the screen
-The game now uses 16 colors instead of 15, allowing some dungeon color changes
-The game is completely full screen now
-Your hit points are now displayed at the top of the screen at any time except in the menu
-There is a new sub-program for the custom font routine needed for the above
-You can now quit the game using CLEAR in the menu
-The shops and the warp zone now have a border like the menu
-Some empty green gaps in the village graphics, similar to the ones present in dungeons prior version 1.1 have been removed.
You can download the game at https://www.ticalc.org/archives/files/fileinfo/463/46383.html , but it's version 1.1, which misses some of the aforementioned additions. Version 2.0, pictured above, should come out soon.
Now active at https://discord.gg/cuZcfcF (CodeWalrus server) and music links available at https://dreamofomnimaga.page