Hi, Elijah, I'm happy to see you are getting into the world of calculator programming. It's fun!
With your program, I can see what you are trying to do, but the calculator can't turn your human-speak into calculator speak. So we need to turn your program into something the calculator can read. I suggest you go to the intro page on this site, where you can learn everything there is to know, but for now I can at least get you started.
TI Basic cannot use user-defined variables such as the "whatsmyname" variable you described. For storing text, you'll want to use a string (the calculator has 10, Str0-Str9). So the first part of your program might look like this:
Disp "You're", Str1
Disp "Would you like a name change?"
The next part of your code is asking a yes or no question. This can be done many ways, but the simplest is probably to ask for a number, 0 or 1, and then interpret that as a yes or no. I used the prompt command, which is the simplest way for a user to type in a value that the calculator can work with. In this case, I have the prompt command store to the variable A (again, other pages on this site can give you even more info if needed):
Disp "0 for no, 1 for yes
Prompt A
Finally, we need to write code to test whether they said 0 for no or 1 for yes. This time I am using prompt to let the player store their new name, which is why it has a string variable after it instead of a number variable:
If A=1
Prompt Str1
Disp "Ok, fair enough."
One note about the Prompt Str1 line. You will have to give your answer inside quotes so that the calculator knows you're writing a word and not number variables.
So there you go, a working program (not the simplest program or the smallest in size, but it works)! When I first started I found a lot of help from the Starter Kit page, so check that out if you want to learn more. Happy programming!