Hi there! My name is Mew, and I'm here to introduce myself. I'm from a little country between France and Germany: Belgium. Although English isn't my native language, I started learning it through videogames from when I was 5 (good ol' Gameboy Advance), which means I can speak English almost as fluent as my native language (which results in me using English around family and friends, but they don't mind since they know me). I currently practice karate and I also like to swim. However, my biggest passions are gaming and cubing (the latter one basically comes down to solving Rubik's cubes, but a wider variety than only a 3x3x3).
So this year at school, we recieved a TI 84+ calculator, and I was so excited to get one! Having never seen one before, the unboxing was basically like Christmas 2.0, and I couldn't wait to learn everything about it. Nearing the end of the school year, one of my friends showed me a program he had created himself (I think it was a number-guessing game from 1-10), and I was so baffled by the fact that he could do that, that I wanted to learn how to program myself. Keep in mind though that I never programmed anything prior to that day, so I started learning from scratch. I can remember not knowing how to type the store arrow, or when I wanted an input, I would do something like:
:Input A
:Input B
I don't know why though, because now it seems ridiculous. I'm guessing I thought Inputs had a name and that I had to use the name to put the user's input into a variable.
Anyway, time flew by and I created my first game, a reaction game. It was recieved very well among my friends, especially since I was showing off my For( animations at the start and end of the program (making people go like "DUUUUUDE YOU ANIMATED THAT SH*T?"). Note however that I don't think it's polished enough to upload it onto here, maybe one day I will. I went deeper into programming in TI-Basic, but I also started to learn how to code in other languages like Swift, HTML, and a couple of others. I realised that, because there's such a wide community around TI-Basic, plus everyone having a compatible device at school, TI-Basic was really my thing, and so I focused on learning that. Fast forward a bit and here we are now: introducing myself to the online community. I uploaded my first game yesterday evening (The Tower of Hanoi), which I have been working on for the past couple of months. I plan on programming more games like that, as it turned out really well and I eliminated as many flaws as possible, but most importantly I had so much fun during the whole process! I can't remember having had such a mental challenge in a whole while!
Anyway, that's it for me, I hope at least one person read this all through, but it was nice to write out the history of my programming carreer so far.
P.S. As you might have noticed, I also like to write. Maybe I should've said that at the start of my post :P.