So, I was working on a new project to upload on ticalc.org. I was working on a game called Snake Arcade, where it had many awesome things in it. It had 4 different snake-game modes: Original home-screen snake, Nibbles, Space Snake, and Dimented Snake. The program itself was about 11kB, and whenever I made some big changes, I would delete the group containing the SNAKEARC program and a different file, then re-group the program again. I would do this several times, and I Garbage Collected once, and I deleted and re-grouped about 6 or 7 times after the garbage collect I did. But the most recent group I tried to back-up I had some trouble on. Instead of grouping it like it should, the calculator froze ane just sat at the "Copying Variables to Group: SNAKEARC". I waited like 2 hours hoping it would actually group, but I was unsuccessful. So unfortunately, I was forced to remove a battery clearing the RAM when I turned it on again. I checked the groups in Memory Managment and sure enough, the group wasn't there. I tried using Dr. D'nar's Archive Undelete utility to try to recover the group, but it just gave me an "Archive Error."
So now, I'm really upset that the game I've been working on is gone. I've been working on this game for 6 days, and now all my planning and programming I did for this project I was excited to share with all of you, for nothing. Is there any way at all to recover some group I backed up in the VAT? I haven't garbage collected and I'm not even going to touch my calculator until I try to sort this dilemma out. I'd be really appreciated if any of you can spend the time to find a solution for this problem.
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.