The rules of all challenges are as follows:
1) No Plagarism. One of the judges will be checking other sites and looking for Plagarism.
2) Program must be in pure ti-basic unless stated otherwise in the challenge
3) a download link must be provided, if that is unavailable, source code is needed
4) You may submit multiple times, your best one will be judged
5) contest deadlines will mark the date by which your program must be submitted. Any submitted after midnight that day will not be judged
6) program must meet all criteria of the challenge
7) programs will be judged on speed, size, ease of use, and (to a lesser extent) quality
The challenge: Radical Simplifier
Create a program where you input an expression containing one or more radicals and return the expression in simplest radical form.
Additional Requirements:
must be able to handle variables
Bonus points awarded for:
Not using Labels or Goto
Simplifying expressions with more than one radical
Simplifying equations with more than one radical (even more awarded for solving)
Simplifying cubic radicals(even more for quartic, quintic, etc)
Contest deadline: May 10th, 2015