Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
is there a way to embed a hyperlink into a image?
As I reply to you now, there's a line beneath the textarea which reads:
Need help? Check the wiki syntax description.
Click on "Images" in the Table of Contents from that page.
Also, is it possible to edit a wiki page from a web page editor such as Dreamweaver?
Nope. Dreamweaver writes HTML through a WYSIWYG interface, and Wikidot writes XHTML through, uh… whatever they call their scripting language. There's almost no chance of any compatibility with one another. By the way, and don't bother them about it, but the creators of Wikidot have had plans for a visual editor for Wikidot for a number of years. Don't get excited about it, however, as it's simply not available.
Actually, it is possible to create "custom code". I believe you use the iframe thing. Look it up. I don't have the link.