The game the idea came from this game : game
Play it, I like the game idea, and I think (without the graphic part) it is very well possible in basic.
I already brainstormed a little for the basic version:
- 3 tower types, all own price and possibilities
- | Small | Medium | Large |
Speed | Low | Moderate | High |
Cost | Low | Moderate | High |
Max. Depth | Low | Moderate | High |
- 5 countries: The Netherlands(I'm Dutch :D ) , Nigeria, USA, Saudi-Arabia, Russia.
- All countries have their own advantage, some of the variables(depth, size, are average(using randnorm for example)). Moderate means close to average, all numbers still to be chosen
- | The Neth. | Nigeria | USA | S-A | Russia |
Profit | High | Low | Moderate | Moderate | Moderate |
Depth | High | Moderate | Moderate | Low | Moderate |
Size | Small | Moderate | Moderate | Big | Moderate |
Costs | Moderate | Low | Moderate | Moderate | High |
Terrorism% | Zero | Low | Normal | High | Zero |
- Stats menu is needed.
- First in a country you perform search for oil, 1 search shows 20% of the land.
- Some countries need diplomatic things(read: money) to get convinced.
I hope someone can do something cool with this idea :).
EDIT: some grammar/capital things.