Well, I was looking at the Archives code and found a strange section that doesn't appear because of the invisible note maneuver ([!-- --]). I also felt that one time or another, people might find it useful for each program to categorized by function for easy searching. I know we have a search engine, and it will probably be updated so individual sections of a wiki can be searched, but an organized system structure might make TI|BD's archives look more professional and organized. So, I am tagging each program with their function: arcade, graphics, platform, puzzle, RPG, strategy, sports, casino, board, utility, and misc. A program can have more than one tag. I already finished tagging all the pages, but it would be helpful if you or other people can make sure the programs are tagged correctly, for I based my judgement on simply the description and name of the program, and I did it hastily. I am going to create a page for "filter searching" with modules and such on it.