You guys are really evil — abusing your TI|BD knowledge on tedious things. I personally would *cough* *cough*, sorry. As I was saying, I personally would never do such a thing, it is truly disgusting to see what you people are doing.
Once I, I mean, a friend did this horrible trick where he made a program that calculates the first string properly, but all inputed equations afterwards would be incorrect by a few numbers (give or take). It showed no signs of being a program because it used the Input "",Str0 code. I locked the program, err, I mean my friend locked the program, so that pressing "ON" would only result in a "QUIT" option, and there was also some application at the time that allowed a specified program to automatically run when the calculator was turned on.
Don't worry, I quickly learnt my lesson. One time I needed to use his calculator (as I lent mine to somebody else), and I was fooled by my own program.