I'm new to the site, and to TI Basic altogether. I got my first TI calculator three days ago, and I started to learn how to program it. But I'm still having trouble understanding matrices. Could someone explain them to me?
Well, welcome to the website and your new calculator!
the easiest way to think of matrices is to think of it as a table. math wise, it can be used to solve multi variable equations or find stuff i cant remember from my geometry days. in programming, it can be used a a "programmer friendly" map for creating games and such as well as sprites, but itll take up a lot of space.
The Silver Phantom welcomes you
If you're familiar with arrays, you can think of it as a 2-dimensional array (since TI-Basic doesn't support 2D lists).
Learn more about matrices here.
The above is a link to a page dedicated to matrices.
Your link does not work, since you inserted the protocol http two times. The correct link is this one: http//tibasicdev.wikidot.com/matrices
Wake me, when you need me.
Hi Everyone,
I am newbie in this community. Feeling glad to be a part of this forum. Here I wanna share my ideas and views about Calculators.
Welcome to the community, acalculator!
The Silver Phantom welcomes you