Aye, so you may think. The addition I am adding is Profile pages, where each person has their own personal page with time zone, best program, and stories on how they found the site and stuff. I figured the most useful one was time zone, so unless wikidot can create a system where the user's pop up window also displays that person's relative time, this might work.
EDIT: As far as progress, I need to create the profile pages of the 2008 members in order. Then, I can create the appropriate modules.
EDIT 2: Is there a moderator that can edit the members page? I finally finished all the member pages, and for it to work, the member page needs this coding:
This page lists all members, moderators and administrators of the site. Feel free to [[[system:join|become a member]]].
+ [[# members]]Members:
++ 2006
[[module ListPages category="member" tags="+_2006" order="dateCreatedAsc"]]
++ 2007
[[module ListPages category="member" tags="+_2007" order="dateCreatedAsc"]]
++ 2008
[[module ListPages category="member" tags="-_2006 -_2007" date="2008" order="dateCreatedAsc"]]
[[collapsible show="+ View automatic list" hide="- Hide automatic list" hideLocation="both"]]
[[module Members]]
+ [[# moderators]]Moderators
[[module Members group="moderators"]]
+ [[# administrators]]Administrators
[[module Members group="admins"]]