So, I've been copying some of the game's coding into my calculator. But when it shows the coding, it'll say something like: ":Output(10fPart(B),int(B)," // 1 space" and i don't exactly know what the "space" is. i can't find it anywhere in my calculator, and if i type that in, (using 2nd+Alpha) it still doesn't work. I'm very new to this programming, so i don't exactly know how to use it to well. Can anyone help?
it should be alpha 0
The Silver Phantom welcomes you
will that actually make the program work? or is it something else because it literally says "space" right there.
alpha 0 is the character for space.
The Silver Phantom welcomes you
YES, i know this, but here's is the programming for it:
:Repeat C=Ans(1
:Output(10fPart(B),int(B)," // 1 space
:If Ans=45
:Goto 0
:If Ans=34 or 2>abs(Ans-25
:If max(LA=Ans
:Goto 0
:Lbl 0
This is snake, and see about eleven lines down, it literally says "space" in the coding, what do i do there when i'm inserting it into my calculator?
in coding // signals a developer's note, do not include it in the code.
The Silver Phantom welcomes you
Don't actually type "//1 space"
After the quotation mark to the left of this in the coding, just do [ALPHA] 0 and that will give you a space. If you're really worried whether or not there is actually a space there, then put another quotation mark after the space. You don't actually need the ending quote, however, and that is why the person who wrote this code typed "//1 space", for optimization reasons.
I can't find the "⌊" symbol on the calculator this is not an L is it? it is the same snake program: :26→K
:Repeat C=Ans(1
:Output(10fPart(B),int(B)," //1 space
:If Ans=45
:Goto 0
:If Ans=34 or 2>abs(Ans-25
:If max(ʟA=Ans
:Goto 0
:Lbl 0