I made a numbers game that won't do subtracting after I took something out that didn't work right. Here's the code, let me know if you find the problem. (Also I'm using a TI-82)
:Lbl S:ClrHome:0->T
:Disp "Press what","operation you","want
:Repeat T=65 or T=75 or T=85 or T=95
:If T=45:Stop
:Disp "Level 1 2 3"
:Repeat L=92 or L=93 or L=94
:Repeat Z<Y
:If T=95 or T=85:Then:int ((L*100)rand+1)->Z:int ((L*100)rand+1)->Y
:Else:int ((L*12)rand+1)->Z:int ((L*12)rand+1)->Y
:If T=95:Goto A
:If T=85:Goto S
:If T=75:Goto M
:If T=65:Goto D
:Lbl A:Z-Y->X:Disp X,"And what is",Z:Goto E
:Lbl S:Z+Y->X:Disp X,"Minus what is",Z:Goto E
:Lbl M:Z*Y->X:Disp Z,"Times what is",X:Goto E
:Lbl D:Z*Y->X:Disp X,"Divided by what","is",Z:Goto E
:Lbl E:Input A
:If A=Y:Disp "Good Job!"
:If A≠Y:Disp 'Too Bad","The answer is",Y
:Disp "Again?"
:Repeat T=45
:If T=105:Goto S