Eh, not like anyone's listening but I optimized some parts, and add a lot. The new version has (Cheat bar, ends when full, and Pt-On(X,Y,2 little box thing.)
:Vertical I
:Vertical I
:StorePic 1
:RecallPic 1
:StorePic 1
:RecallPic 1
:Repeat getKey
:" !X( !"→Str1
:" iY= ["→Str2
:" iJ= ["→Str3
:" iX= ["→Str4
:" !X([!"→Str5
:Goto ME
:Repeat K≥18
:Lbl 9
:Text(35,23,"THE CLASSROOM"
:Text(‾1,20,27,"BILLY C
:Repeat getKey
:Text(49,25,"PRESS ANY KEY
:Lbl ME
:Text(‾1,5,10,"THE CLASSROOM
:Vertical ‾8.2
:"((=====(< →Str9
:Repeat K=105
:If Ans:Then
:If A=24:Goto PL
:If A=32:Goto IN
:If A=40:Goto IF
:If A=48:Goto ED
:Lbl ED
:DelVar [A]DelVar Str1DelVar Str2DelVar Str3DelVar Str4DelVar Str5DelVar L1DelVar ADelVar B
:Lbl IN
:Text(10,1,"To Move:
:Text(16,1,"Arrow Keys,Delete To Cheat
:Text(22,1,"To Quit:
:Text(42,1,"Get To The Nerd(The Colored
:Text(48,6,"Seat),Cheat,And Get Back
:Text(54,8,"Without Getting Caught
:Repeat getKey
:Goto ME
:Lbl PL
:DelVar L1DelVar L2
:Lbl 1
:Goto S
:Lbl 2
:Lbl S
:If M≠1:Then
:Vertical 77
:Vertical 94
:Vertical 0
:Lbl PQ
:Repeat K=45
:If Ans:Then
:If K=23:Goto CH
:Lbl CH
:If (S=1 and T=1) or (T=0 and S=1) or (T=1 and S=0):Then
:If W≥63:Stop
:Goto PQ
I have an idea for the teacher, like in the real version, the teacher follows a specific path, then goes back to beggining and repeats. I'll have a list of 15 points, and it will keep going through. So, the Optimization challenge is still up, but I have an idea of where to go! Thanks for your help(no one)!!