So I'm doing an informal study lately of probability, specifically dice rolling. I've found that if you roll three dice and add them up, the average is about 10.5. If you roll four dice, ignore the lowest roll, and add up the three highest dice, the average is 12.24. I want to try rolling 5 dice and ignoring the lowest 2, but so far I've been rolling them on the calculator to get the averages. Rolling three dice was easy; I just did a summation of sum(randint(1,6,3)). Four dice was trickier, but then I remembered the min( command, and just did a summation of sum(randint(1,6,4))-min(randint(1,6,4)) (the same randint- I just stored the first one as a variable) and that worked out perfectly. I want to do 5 dice now, and tried using the min( command in weird and roundabout ways, but so far nothing's worked. Any help?
For the record, this stemmed from a conversation with my friend about rolling stats for D&D, in which one of the most common ways is to roll 4 dice and drop the lowest. We want to find the averages for different methods to roll stats.