Now with my Minesweeper program project fully completed, my next task is an RPG game, but one of different format. You are a Disney World tourist trying to make the most of your time at Disney World along with your spouse, daughter, and son. You must balance the amount of fun you have with various rides and entertainment types, keep your kids happy by attending things they would like, quench your spouse's pin trading obsession, keep line wait time at a minimum, keep track of all your happiness, health, and diversity levels, obtain a number of souvenirs, and various other things (I will probably ignore the basic non-intuitive things like using the restroom or going shower). You must do this all in 7 days, or other words 168 hours (calc hours, not real). This would really simulate how much planning can do.
The game would obviously be strategy based, but with random elements (like temperature, rain, line length, populations…) with so many elements in the gameplay, there can be no single strategy that "always wins". He he, I think I struck gold…
Being only my second major programming project, I will probably ask for help a lot. So, be ready for questions (probably in the future after I finish planning the skeleton).
Overall, I think this would be a great program, and very fun at that. Thing is, it would obviously be very complicated, especially in Pure BASIC. However, I believe that it is possible, and I will try no matter how long the road from here is.

Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide - Go here if you're nerdy like me