Hello everybody! I've been looking at this site for a while now, and just decided to join because I'm having problems with a lot of the TI-83 games. I wont go over all of them now, but the main one I want to get working is the avalanche game.
Ok, so I try to play the game and it works at the beginning, listing slow normal or fast. But when I press any of the speeds i get ERR:DOMAIN. When I then press Goto it goes all the way down to the line [:Output(Ans,L1(I),"V] then it flashes at the place right after the V. I saw an old post about this and tried all the things it said and everything else I knew about but nothing works. Please help!
P.S. I have a TI-83 plus if that helps at all.
domain error?
that means L1(i) is not vailid, out of bounds
Okay, run the program again, if you get the same error, then choose quit.
Press 2nd, Ans, and press enter.
If the number is less than one or greater than eight, then the ans is your problem.
If not, put L1(I) on the screen and press enter. If the number is less than one or greater than 16, then that's your problem.
Either way, please post your code.
Helpful Hint:
If you want to do some sort of code, use the [[code]] and [[/code]] tags. Like this:
P.S. Welcome to TI|BD (TI Basic Developer)
Thanks for the quick reply! Ok i did all the things that you suggested, and the first part, the Ans, equaled 3, so i guess thats not the problem. But on the second part I got 29, which means the problem is the L1(I). But what should i change to fix that?
Thanks a lot!
P.S. What codes do you want me to post?
The entire program code please.
If we see your program, we may be able to fix the part where L1(I) became 29.
graphmastur, that code is available here.
LukeBanke, the problem might be that you typed "L1" instead of using the token under [2nd] [1]. Try that and see if it works, because I'm not getting an error from that program otherwise.
Good point. With L1(I) as opposed to L1(I), you end up multiplying the values of L and I. The second one will summon the element of a List instead. Try reading about lists, and perhaps you might understand exactly what is happening.
~ Timothy
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
Yeah I first tried the L1 and it didnt work so i changed it to the normal L1, which also didnt work. So now I'm back to the L1 . but still nothing changed.
:Disp "SPEED
:Disp "1) SLOW
:Disp "2) NORMAL
:Disp "3) FAST
:DelVar Z8→X
:Repeat 2>abs(Ans-2
:Disp "SCORE:
:Repeat K=45 or max(X=L1
:Output(8,1," // 16 spaces
:Repeat K=45 or F=8
:X-(Ans=24 and X>2)+(Ans=26 and X<15→X
:Output(8,Ans-1," O // 1 space
:Output(F,1," // 16 spaces
:DelVar L1ClrHome
:Pause Z
this is all of the code I used. The highlighted part is the line that is giving me trouble. Ill go over it again to make sure I didnt miss anything, but I'm pretty sure I didnt.
Why the:
I don't know why you did that but that's probably your problem.
HAHAHA Yes!! Thanks Graphmaster! While the -int(3rand) wasn't the problem, i found what it was. Right before that little section I accidentally put 31-int instead of 3I-int. I changed it to what it was supposed to be and now it works perfectly. Thank you everybody for your time and all the help!