Approximately computes a definite integral.
- Press MATH to access the math menu.
- 9 to select fnInt(, or use arrows.
1 byte
fnInt(f(var),var,a,b[,tol]) computes an approximation to the definite integral of f with respect to var from a to b. tol controls the accuracy of the integral computed. The default value of tol is 10-5. fnInt( returns exact results for functions that are polynomials of small degree.
fnInt( only works for real numbers and expressions. The Gauss-Kronrod method is used for approximating the integral.
Tip: Sometimes, to get an answer of acceptable accuracy out of fnInt(, substitution of variables and analytic manipulation may be needed.
fnInt(ln(X),X,0,1) <a difficult example>
Error Conditions
- ERR:DOMAIN is thrown if tol is 0.
- ERR:ILLEGAL NEST is thrown if fnInt( occurs in the expression to be integrated.
- ERR:TOL NOT MET may occur if the tolerance is too small.
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