Challenges » IlliniOS
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Name: IlliniOS Author: Alex Litzau Download: Compatibility: TI-84/+/SE File Size: 2,642 or 2,836 bytes |
An efficient OS that lets you run and manage TI-Basic programs and get calculator information. It also has the option to use a USB mouse to control the cursor onscreen. |
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What the community thinks:
I have downloaded this zip and installed celticIII, however when trying to send the group to the calc it says that a pic uses an invalid name, so skipped that picture and simply sended the other one, your OS then trhew up an error which said that the group was installed, after manually modifying the "pic}" name to "pic" i resended it, still the group was missing according to your OS, next i tryed to make a new group witht the same name and i put the pics in there it still did not work, as a result of frustation i delete the first few lines of your os, then all other errors you programmed in were throw up! i have still one hour later not got it to work. How can this be?
What linking program are you using? I'm using TI Connect, and I just retried sending the group to the calculator, and it sent it without a problem. The pic} is pic77. I made this pic not from the regular pics 0-9 to prevent conflicts with any pics you may already have (although I couldn't do it for the other pic (pic8)). The group is meant to be sent to the calculator all as one, not as each pic separately. As long as you have a group on your calculator called ILLINIOS with pics in it, you will not get the error that says the group was not found.
i used the newest ti connect, i have retried, still does not work (I sended it as a whole group but beacuase it did not worl i tried to send it seperately)
OK, try this. On the computer, change the name of the pic from pic76 to pic7. With TI Connect, this is done by right clicking pic} (when it's out of the group), clicking Properties -> TI File Properties, changing the name, and clicking Apply. Now send pic7 and pic8 to your calculator and make sure they're not archived. Then run this code from the homescreen:
Celtic 3 must be installed to do this of course.
Now make a group named ILLINIOS (check the spelling!), and include pic8 and the picture x(w/bar over it and subscript 2)(this is pic77, but the TI-OS only recognizes pics 0-9 correctly).
Once you make this group, you have what you need, so I'm hoping this works.
Not to be rude or anything, but if that program is for a compititon I think making it user friendly is a great bonus. Which means you might want to work on installation.
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Sure, but if he is using the same linking software as I am, and he is getting an error that I can't duplicate, then what am I supposed to do?
The pics this program uses are kept in a group to keep RAM and pic variables free, which makes it more user friendly overall.
i suggest you just change the pic to pic7 instead of pic77, that way you don't have to worry about this problem happening to other people who are judging your program
the problem with that solution is that this is a shell, and so it is going to run Basic programs. If any access or change pic7, the shell is going to crash when its done running the program. I think it really is the best option to use special pics if he needs to include pictures in his OS
EDIT: I just realized the pictures were kept in a group file, so there is no reason for them to be special pics :)
Everything works great on my end though! No problems at all. Running on a regular Ti84_SE
I have not tried yey but it very good that you are supplying a solution quite quickly, my thanks for that.
Has anyone else had a problem sending the group to their calculator?
yeah, and im not even using my calc. im using wabbit with my 84+se rom
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yes, im also having problems with emulators.
while extra vars may seem good at first, they will end up causing you a lot of problems in the long run.
WabbitEmu does not support hacked pictures, unfortunately. They work fine on calc, but Wabbit just has problems with them.
Have any of you tried sending it to a real calculator? I don't care about emulators. They're not the real thing.
I'm pretty sure Wabbit woln't accept groups, so I havn't tried yet.
I can't link to my calc till later, so I don't think I can help.
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I am also using wabbitemu with my 84+SE ROM, and it wouldn't let me send the group either, so I just ungrouped the pics, sent them to wabbit's RAM, and then made a group on the calculator. It let me send pic77 with no problem.
(Isn't this solution obvious?)
yeah, but it keeps telling me "no illinois group found". when i make a group with the 3 files or just the 2 pics, it tells me "no programs found"
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I found that it only detects Basic programs with a : on the first line, as if you wanted to run it in MirageOS.
Two things:
1. Check your spelling of IlliniOS, not Illinois ;)
2. Quote from the readme: "You must have at least one basic program with a colon as the first character of the first line of the program to use IlliniOS … IlliniOS has the same requirement to recognize a basic program as MirageOS."
AJLitzau, i know its frustrating when people are complaining that it aint working BUT eventually this will only go into your advantage since you can fix these problems in a very early stage, May i recommend that you change the pic and group yourself so that all the problems here are solved? Not that any member of this community could not solve it on their own but if it spreads further then that then you might want to improve the installation procces a little bit.
From what i see from the gif, it looks very good so my compliments.
EDIT: ** i think most problems can be solved if you included Xtravar in your download!**
"i think most problems can be solved if you included Xtravar in your download!"
Why? XTRAVAR is not needed to run the program. I used XTRAVAR to add invalid strings and lists to the program. (By doing this, the strings and lists IlliniOS uses will not get messed up by any program you run that uses any normal list or strings 0-9. This means less conflicts and more reliability.)
I optimized my program this week, and the updated version is about 11% smaller than before. The updated program is smaller and more efficient, and maybe slightly faster, but not much.
I didn't change the pics at all, because with the exception of emulators, I don't think there's a problem. Even with an emulator, you can get the group file onto the calculator with a simple go-around (ungroup the pics, send them to the emulator's RAM, and make a group on the calculator).
it says illini os group not found?
Send the group on TI-Connect CE and send the group, then group the two pic vars Pic8 and Pic0
Call the group ILLINIOS
Btw you're gonna have to in-edit lock it because of the creator didn't read that det(10 is buggy, and exits out with an error. Delete that line
EDIT: Or… you can use this. It's simpler to use and does not use buggy code.
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.