Name: Trapped Author: builderboy Download: Compatibility: Parent page not set File Size: 13,932 bytes |
You wake up to find yourself trapped in the center of a fiendish maze filled with mystery and enemies that want to eat you. A mysterious friend and long forgotten notes guide you through the maze. Find items, blow up walls, fight logical enemies, and above all, find the machine that will help you escape. |
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What the community thinks:
asuming this is the same version as last month (possible more.. lol)
the game is pretty good, but high size always bugs me..
i gotta rate it + though
there is alot of effort in this game
I like this game too. I found it to be a bit slow on my TI-83, but your programmed it on the TI-84p where it would run at its native speed.
Very interesting AI, and I love the way you conceal hidden secrets (such as codes, for example).
Indeed there is a lot of effort in this game, I look forward to a possibly smaller (more optimised) version in the future!
Thank you so much!
indeed, a (much) smaller trapped is on the way, with more puzzles than before, more items, a better key system, No xLib, faster, longer, more adept saving, more powerful enemies, more in-game elements and tiles, larger rooms,
the list goes on and on…
I'm having problems with trapped. For some reason, no matter how many times i install or reinstall xlib, whenever I open trapped it brines up Need xlib and quits. Also in trapped beta, when I open that, it brings up an archive error with no goto option. Help!
If you have higher than 2.53MP processor, xLib doesn't work. While I have not tested this, I believe that there are some shells such as Doors that enable xLib functions without even needing the app installed provided the settings are correct. As far as the archive error, I don't know except maybe it is calling an archived assembly program. In my experience, when an archived Basic program is called there is a Goto option but not when an archived Asm program.
What do you get when you multiply six by nine? Forty-Two.
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Their post was 4 years old…
Please don't necropost; it unnecessarily pulls this thread out of the archive and the chances of the original people from this thread seeing your post is low.
Sorry, I didn't think to look at the date. I'll be more careful next time.
What do you get when you multiply six by nine? Forty-Two.
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Preview/animation? :)
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