Mission RAZE
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Name: Mission RAZE Author: Sleight Download: MSSNRAZE.8xp Compatibility: TI-83+/84/SE File Size: 2357 Bytes |
A highly graphical side-scrolling, game in which you play a UFO shooting up buildings. Unique in that it redraws the WHOLE SCREEN for every frame, thanks to statplots and pics. ---- Instructions: Controls: up/down moves, 2nd/del fires beam, alpha/stat fires super beam, graph boosts to top of screen. Scoring: taller buildings= less points, shorter buildings= more points, extra life every 250 points. Energy: super beam takes 2 energy, boost takes 3 energy, extra energy every 50 points ---- Ti-83+ not recommended for speed. |
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What the community thinks:
It has been almost exactly one year since a found this site trying to figure out what the "prgm" button could do on my new calculator, and now here is what by far is the best game I've made. Let me know what you think.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-Philip K. Dick
Well, for BASIC, I think it is coming along well, but I am bothered by all of the refreshing. The stat plot was a neat idea for sure, but I have another idea. I am good at making assembly opcodes, so I can make a program that will draw the screen left eight pixels (because 8 is much easier) and then draw a rectangle at the height you want. So if you do:
it will shift the screen left eight pixels and draw a rectangle 28 pixels high.
Also, I glanced at your source and I noticed the 0→L and stuff. That can be changed to Delvar and then you can string it all together. Instead of this:
Do this:
A delvar can be followed immediately by another line of code without jumping to another line and if you delete a var like A it sets it to 0.
On another note, I like the intro screen a lot. It looks pretty cool to me.
Z80 Assembly>English>TI-BASIC>Python>French>C>0
Thanks for checking it out!
I liked the intro screen as well: aliasing patterns look cool and are easy on both the programmer and memory.
Good point with the Delvar, I may not have known about that when I started, but I did by the time I finished and never went back.(I used it in the cleanup)
You do assembly?! Awesome! I would very much appreciate an asm alternative to line( and or rectangle drawing!
Not for this project actually, I was trying to see what the speed limits of pure basic could be with this one. That's why the only drawing done during the game is with pic, stat plots, and a touch of text( for the score.
I was thinking more for the 3d engine I wrote a while back with the "community 3D engine". After a lot of optimizations and class time, I got all the rendering calculations down to four lines of code. After extensive testing it was revealed that the only thing that was holding up render time was the slowness of line(, and actually not our engine.
edit: oh, and I added instructions to the description.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-Philip K. Dick
Ah, got it. But I am making the program anyway for fun and in case somebody needs to use. Actually, I have it finished. I do recall that 3D topic, but it will be just as slow in assembly I believe. I have a tough time creating the necessary math functions as well, so to create an actual line function won't be too quick in coming. Actually, now that I think about it, if somebody could create a line routine that does not update the LCD, the drawing would be very fast.
Here is that code I was talking about:
It can be used like this if you like (assuming the program is named A):
Z80 Assembly>English>TI-BASIC>Python>French>C>0
Wow. Just UnBelievable how fast Asm is. You may have just inspired me to (try to) learn assembly. I am just in shock here. I am so glad my link cable reappeared. This is just amazing.
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-Philip K. Dick
I hope you can have fun with that opcode. And if you have any questions about assembly, feel free to ask. Most people use mnemonics, not hex, so don't think that programming in assembly will require you to know all that hex :D
I do know the mnemonics as well, for the most part, it is just easier for me to understand hex because that is how I learned it. In other words… I can answer questions about programming in hex or mnemonics. Just don't ask about assemblers or computer programs— I know almost nothing in those areas.
Z80 Assembly>English>TI-BASIC>Python>French>C>0
What should I be asking? Where/how should I start?
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."
-Philip K. Dick
If you happen to find the kinds of assemblers and compilers you need, then there are a few things you will want to know about z80 assembly for the calc:
-It works with integers, usually 0~255 or 0~65535
-It uses hex
-Registers in assembly are like real vars in BASIC
-You can edit memory
-jumps to labels are like the goto command in BASIC
-Calls to labels are like calling a program in BASIC
-LDs are like using → in BASIC
That is the brunt of assembly. If you get all that done, you can do almost anything. You will need to learn how to use hex and binary (there are plenty of converters out there).
Z80 Assembly>English>TI-BASIC>Python>French>C>0