Metroid Pi
Name: Metroid Pi Author: [* Robert Moy] (Harrierfalcon) Download: Compatibility: TI-83/84/+/SE File Size: 17016 Bytes |
Metroid Pi is a pure TI-Basic version of the classic Metroid game, with the game following the standard storyline of making your way through several increasingly difficult areas, while battling enemies, bosses, and getting powerups that allow you to beat the next area in the game. |
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What the community thinks:
I recently picked up this game again, and its better than I remember! BUT i don't know if its me, but I can't escape sector H! Is there some secret passage I'm missing? You don't have to give it away entirely, but i've been trying for a while… just a hint maybe?
I've been watching that animation for the past 5 minutes… it makes me want to play it so much! :)
I have a Casio fx-9860G AU calculator, but no TI calcs. It's capable of quite a lot… but nothing that matches the speed and graphics of this game. Just "Wow!" — didn't realise a calculator was capable of this!
~ Leiger - Wikidot Community Admin - Volunteer
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I watched the animation and it has the coolest little extras like the way text rights and the way the game windows open and close. One thing i was wondering is how it has both Graph screen and home screen characteristics at the same time. The way the windows (like "Game Saved") came up and went away requires pixel specific movement, which means graph screen. At the same time, there was the 8x16 block-like way the objects moved, which means the Home screen. I would like to know how this is, because i can't think of a way to get that effect.
It's a quirk of the Text( command. On the 83+ and above, it uses the home screen font if you have four arguments, and the first one is a number less than zero. If you do, the second and third arguments will provide the row/column numbers, and everything after that will show up in the display.
That's wild, i love how the 83 just works through glitches and syntax flaws. My brother has an 89 and you can't leave off the closing parenthesis.
Well, adding a negative number to the Text( command as the first parameter isn't really a glitch or flaw, it's built-in.
Projects: BexIDE (hold), Hadean.NET, Legend of Zelda: Link to the Future
About that TI-89…
Is that a computer or a calculator? I thought they only made calculators up to a TI-84+.
Ti-89s are still being made, just not as often used because of its immense power and it being banned on the SAT.
The Silver Phantom welcomes you
What's the SAT?
About the SAT
The TI-89 is definitely allowed on the SAT. Calculator Policy
Here’s my problem: I have no cable, so I can only program in BASIC, and I have to manually program everything. Currently, I have EXODUS, PORTAL, and both INSANITY and MADNESS of the Absolute series. But it requires mind-numbing hours of work, programming it all in, and spell-checking afterwords, hoping I don't get caught by my folks… But I digress. When I program in Metroid Pi, it says there's an error in ZZTEXT, but it might be linked to ZZINTRO…idk. help me please? Also, when I work on Metroid Pure, it says ERR;DIM, I think, something like that. And yes, I have tried that new Metroid Pure that's optimized into one program, too. Help a poor guy?
HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Make sure you have all you stat plots off and ten it should work. If it still doesn't work, Archive our program(s) so it will be safe, reset the ram and then unarchive it and it should work
Group all of your programs by typing, 2nd,+,8 and then enter. Scrolling to programs and selecting all of them. Then reset ram, go back to groups, go to ungroup and select your new group, then hit enter.
My Calculator keeps glitching out when I try to ungroup MetriodPi. Do you guys have any suggestions about my situation?
Please stop posting in forum topics that are no longer relative.
You should know this if you read the rules.
He needs help in relation to ungrouping the game Metroid Pi. He is not replying to anybody, so it is fine that he posted his problem here.
I would agree with myles
So if he is not replying to anybody, that means it is fine that he posted his problem here? Wow, I guess we learn new things everyday:D
That is because it is a program archive page. If it were a normal thread it likely would have not been able to be considered a "new post" or "non-reply".
I would want to show you the screen for this error, this is not normal.
1 Qui U
You should check out the errors page.
I believe that your screen isn't showing everything the way it should, instead I think it should say this:
How do I get past the first boss? (seems like a strange question, lol, but help!!!)