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Name: Doodlejump Author: Mohammad Adib Download: DoodleJumpBeta4.8xk Compatibility: TI-84/+/SE File Size: 20560 Bytes |
Beta 4. A DoodleJump Clone made with Axe Parser. Latest Talk: |
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What the community thinks:
Wow- this looks amazing! I like it when programmers have the audacity to recreate games on high capacity devices on "simple calculators." It is an amazing replica. :D
Coffee + Radiohead = ^^
Is there a way you can convert .8xk to .8xp? (Or include the source code if you're okay with it)
How did you make the program so fast?! How is that even possible?
Yup! He's using raw assembly code.
Assembly code talks *almost* directly to the processor. TI-BASIC basically is a combination of assembly codes, but these need to be processed first. Programming in assembly directly is therefore faster - the processor is put under less of a load.
This helped me survive during a $\approx\infty$-hour trip! Thanks! :D
Can you upload the source code?
If you are looking to type the code directly into your calculator, you can't. You can only enter pure ti-basic programs on calc. This game is made in axe, and therefore it is necessary that you download it to your pc and transfer it over to your calculator using a linking program such as ti connect or TILP, and a link cable.
Well you can type hexcode equivalent assembly programs using AsmPrgm on TI83+ and higher, if the executable code is smaller than 8811 bytes I think. However it is much more time consuming and error/RAM cleared prone. And since the program is 20kb, actually typing in the program pre-squishing would take twice the memory, which is more than the RAM can hold.
Also maybe the source code could help people learn how to make similar games, since I think Axe code is actually somewhat readable without comments (unlike assembly).
It didn't mention above, but supposedly there is sound if you can get working headphones.
Fire Emblem for TI 83/4+ Progress: Demo: 75% Total: 40% Postponed indefinitely
The TI-83 Plus can also play this, just at a perfect 20 frames per second
can someone past the source code? I don't have a connector cable and can't buy one (would need my parent's permission), so I have to code everything by hand.
When I was 7 or 8, I used to go to an indoor playground called Axtion. It was pretty big, it had a canteen and a few vending machines, and even an upstairs area for go-kart racing. There was also an arcade cabinet for Doodle Jump. If somebody got 10,000 points in Doodle Jump, they'd get a $20 gift card to buy whatever they want there (merchandise, snacks, lunches, etc.). As I was a 7/8-year-old kid, I, of course, wanted to try out Doodle Jump. My mom let me have 3 loonies (1 dollar coin) for three chances to win the card. I entered in my first loony, and I got around halfway up, and on my second try, I got it! It's probably one of my happiest memories, thank you for bringing it back!