Bunny Gotchi v1.7
Name: Bunny Gotchi Author: James Kanjo Download: BunnyGotchi_1-7.zip Compatibility: Parent page not set File Size: 6,637 Bytes |
Bunny Gotchi is a virtual pet (a bunny rabbit) on your calculator. Bunny Gotchi is one of the few "Tamagotchi" programs available to the TI-83plus, and fewer still containing animations. It will challenge your efforts to keep it alive, healthy and happy! Version 1.7 is architecturally identical to version 1.6, but is 483 bytes smaller. |
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What the community thinks:
Sorry guys!
I only realised today that the file I uploaded was only compatible with the TI-Software on the Mac OS. So I've re-uploaded the file as a .83p file (as it should be).
Also, the reason I checked the file was because I found a silly glitch — when you try to start a new game, and no previous file existed, then Bunny Gotchi attempts to write the new-data file to the ∟BUNNY list rather than the L₅ list. This will cause a "divide by zero" error, as the game believes Bunny Gotchi's age is zero rather than one.
Anyway, all problems fixed there!
PS. I've returned to the v2.0 project which went on hold for a bit… it's going to be awesome!
…there will be NO weight variable…
I will make a prediction… there will be no weight variable!
Timothy Foster — My Site ~ My Blog
Timothy Foster - @tfAuroratide
Auroratide.com - Go here if you're nerdy like me
It kind of gives it away that when you jump to a post and it is highlighted, the hidden text is revealed.
XD How did you find that so quickly? It was hidden!
Like i said, when you jump to a post, any hidden text is made green for some reason.
Hmm, I don't get that experience. Umm, what browser and OS are you using?
Firefox on windows
Wow, you're right! I tested it on Firefox on Mac. Oh well, I did write it to be read soooooo… =D