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Name: BC's Beta Tetris Author: ibly31 Download: BC's Beta Tetris Compatibility: Parent page not set File Size: 2334 Bytes |
Fun beta Tetris in a small package! |
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What the community thinks:
hey can you post the source code on here so i can manually put this in my calculator?
I extracted the .8xp file and opened it with SourceCoder3. I cannot confirm that it works, and it is also over 200 lines, so typing it in by hand will take a while. Here is the code anyway:
This line gets an invalid error for this line
LinReg(ax+b) {Y1}
That is SourceCoder3 notation, not the notation for the calculator. You will need to remove the { and }, and be sure to use the Y₁ variable found in the Vars menu and not typing in Y1
Trenly, my question is exactly like PhillMiaz' question, I haven't gotten to the part that PhillMiaz was on but just to ask ahead, what would I do with the ({Y₁}, part of the line: "Equ>String({Y1},Str1". Thanks in advance!
Edited: On the TI-83+ does the Y₁ look like y1? thx
This is not pressing issue but my next pieces aren't deleting after they are used and they are overlapping in the box, I think I missed the line where the box is cleared before the next peice is displayed and they are meshing together. Could somebody point me to the line I'm missing?
I cant find the square command where is it?
does the indentation matter?
Programs shouldn't have any indentation at all. I think he added those to make it easier for you to type it in on your calculator. If he didn't add those spaces then there is no way this code would work.
The indentations help when programming code with a lot of For, While, Repeat, or If-Then blocks. When you enter the block, you add an indent, and when you put an end statement you remove an indent. It helps make sure there is the proper number of end statements, and is very useful when checking for memory leaks.
The ~s are negative signs.
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
So I spent half an hour typing it in, since I don't have a ti to usb cord either, and it works. Just a heads up for anyone else typing it in by hand, when it says "Theta" use the variable theta, don't spell it out. And like Boi_Hazard1282 said the "~" signs are negatives.
That's the main program name
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
pls help
Press the [PRGM] button and find CH2 program, run it by pressing enter
What exactly do you need help with? Simply saying "pls help" doesn't do anyone good. Please explain what you need help with :)
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
sorry, i need help removing the extra blocks on the screen, when it runs it will display too many blocks making hard to play.
Can you provide any screenshots or steps to reproduce the problem? I tried the program and it works fine for my calculator.
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
sure i will try to get some screenshots uploaded. but maybe it it has to do with the indents because i forgot to put them in, maybe this is the problem.
Hey, I typed this game in to my TI-83+ and immediately noticed some bugs. You can even see the piece merging error in the GIF. I was able to make a quick and easy fix of the bug where the game only gets rid of one completed line, even if you completed more. This fix works on any number of lines completed at a time. The catch is that it takes slightly longer to process completed lines because it also processes the next line to see if its completed to (but don't worry, the time difference is very slight :D). The other catch is that if you complete lines that are not touching each other (example: you lay a 1 by 4, completing a line, not completing a line, and completing a line), it will only process the bottom most completed line. Fortunately, this isn't a common scenario (when I was testing this scenario, it was difficult for me to make it even).
Okay now, so here's the fix. Scroll down to the line "0->C" a bit after Lbl 2. Insert "Lbl θ" (θ being the theta symbol) right between "I+4->I" and "0->C". That's step one. Step two: scroll down from there until you see the SECOND "Goto 1", NOT the first one you see after the line "If C≠ 13:Then". Once you scroll down to the correct "Goto 1" (right before "Lbl EN"), change it to "Goto θ" (θ being the theta symbol). That's all there is to it! Let me know how it works.
Works really well! As you said, there isn't really much more delay in the program. When there are multiple lines, it clears them just fine.
Don't you mean "If C!=13:Then" not "If C≠ 13:Then"?
I'm dumb :( x2
Just to confirm i don't enter "Square on line 1 into my ti-83 right?
oh btw where is Xmin
You will find all the window commands you need in [vars]. Go to the window tab and you will find all you will need there. Happy Programming!
Nope, that is just a reference for programming.
That's what I'm saying!
I keep getting a domain error on line " If pxl-Test(62-I+4,X) or pxl-Test(62-(L6(2)+I)+4,L6(1)+X) or pxl-Test(62-(L6(4)+I)+4,L6(3)+X) or pxl-Test(62-(L6(6)+I)+4,L6(5)+X):Then" and I don't know how to fix it because i have retyped it multiple times
Make sure you’re using the List variable (L₆) and not typing "L6" as two separate characters
Help! I'm having the same domain error, I'm using the list variable (L₆) but it still says domain error. I'm trying to get it to work on a TI-82 STATS, i also tryed removing Text(~1,21,5," (four spaces) because that was a problem first…
I can't believe CalcNerd is here!! I was just watching his channel! So do I type in "Square or do I find it in a catalog?
For now, I'm just not going to put it in.
Crap…. I'm dumb. Dang :(
What’s a “theta”
So there's this thing called "Google". Here's what theta looks like: θ
To get θ on your calculator, just hit alpha, then hit 3. You'll see the θ symbol printed just above the 3 key.