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In Portal, you are a test subject at The Aperture Science Enrichment Program and are testing The recent invention of the Portal Gun! Yay! It allows you to shoot portals and move between them. Those who have played the official version will remember GlaDos… And she's back in the calculator version! GlaDOS is your narrator and guide and is the one that will monitor all your tests. But when the tests are over… Watch out! the game isn't over yet… |
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I don't know if it's my calculator, this program, or I, but I can't get this to work.
I'm using a ti-84 silver edition, and i successfully uploaded this to my calc.
I try to run it but it would just freeze/stop at the part that says 1:NEW.
I've looked through the source code and it looks like it's stuck on a repeat or getkey.
If someone could help that'd be awesome.
I looked at the first part of the coding… I don't exactly know what is happening, but try setting the variable L to 1, though it might not work.
It's still not working. I think the problem might be when it says "Repeat ans"
Maybe that should be "Repeat K"? Idk, I'm still a noob at basic.
I don’t have any cable for my calculator, could someone post the entire source code? I know it’s a lot of work but I will be forever grateful
I have the cable for my calculator but it doesn't work sometimes (It's complicated) and (I have a ti-83+ but it probably doesn't matter) I also would like the source code. Thank you in advance. (ik that that post was 6 long years ago) :(