Mine TI

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Download: MINETI2.8xpNo Download Available
Version: 2
Compatibility: TI-83/84/+/SE
File Size: 531 Bytes
Genre: Arcade Graphics Platform Puzzle RPG Strategy Sports Casino Board Utility Misc

This is basically the same as TI-CRAFT, but I changed the name because there's no crafting involved, and I think someone else is already using the name.
left and right arrows: move
up: jump
Del and Stat: "climb" up/down (move 2 pixels, even if there is 1 in the way)
Vars and Clear: move sideways 2 pixels. (Going through a door)
Numbers: remove/place blocks
2ND: Menu

LOAD: Recallpic 8
NEW: Generate new world
Save: Storepic 8
Exit: Exit
Resume: Resume (can also load worlds from the graph screen I think)

Compatible with Doors CS (it cost me 72 extra bytes for that 16x16 icon!)

Should work with all calculators, tested on TI-nspire w/ 84+SE keypad.

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