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What the community thinks:
Why is this not in the archives? I feel like we've been over this before.
I agree, we have. Bio_Hazard1282 does not match any existing user name, Please post your programs to the archive rather than create pages for them. This is your second warning. Continuing to do this will result in punishment.
The following rule also applies to pages:
Place threads in the appropriate category; Additionally, if a thread starts to go off-topic please start a new one.
I have moved this page to the archives.
As a side note Bio_Hazard1282 does not match any existing user name,
Takes the same amount of memory as
My apologies. I didn't think this would be such a problem. I used to do it in pages, since archives take forever to upload. (For me anyways.
This won't happen again, I promise ;)
EDIT: That last bit of code should be a TI-Basic Mind-Blower. It blew my mind!
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.
why is the author's name in red????
Because I changed my name since May 2018. I haven't updated this archive (I forgot this existed) in a while, so the author name will still be my former username, Bio_Hazard1282. If you want to know why I changed it, click my username and private message me.
[Author name fixed]
Hewwo, my name is Achak Claw. I was formerly BioHazard.