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What the community thinks:
Would it be okay if you were to display the source code because I can’t download the file:/
Program: CHEMEQ
Notice that to access lowercase letters, you may need the following assembly hex code.
To run, select the Asm( option in the catalog, then select the program from the program menu.
Thank you. How do you put |LA, the ~, and the * into the program?
(Posts merged by moderator)
The "|L" is the list token, and can be accessed by pressing [2nd]+[STAT]+[RIGHT]+[UP]+[ENTER]. The "~" is the negative sign, found underneath the number 3 on the calculator. The "*" is the multiplication sign, which is below the division sign.
Hope this helps :)
The * is the multiplication key. |LA is list A which is 2nd, Stat, Right, Up, Enter, Alpha, Math. The code was decompiled using SourceCoder3, so the ~ is really the negative sign, which is the key right below 3 and looks like (-)
Battlesquid, same minute yet you still ninja'd me.
Thanks you guys, I might need some more help in the future but thank you very much
No prob! We're always happy to help :)