Sets the window variables to their default settings.
Menu Location
This command can't be found in any menu besides the command catalog.
This command works on all calculators.
2 bytes
The ZoomStd command initializes the window variables applicable to the current mode to their default values. These default values are:
- xmin=-10, xmax=10, xscl=1 (except in differential equation mode, where xmin=-1)
- ymin=-10, ymax=10, yscl=1
- xres=2 (in function mode)
- tmin=0, tmax=2π, tstep=π/24 (in parametric mode)
- θmin=0, θmax=2π, θstep=π/24 (in polar mode)
- nmin=0, nmax=10, plotStrt=1, plotStep=1 (in sequence mode)
- eyeθ=20, eyeφ=70, eyeψ=0, xgrid=14, ygrid=14, zmin=-10, zmax=10, and ncontour=5 (in 3D mode)
- t0=0, tmax=10, tstep=0.1, tplot=0, ncurves=0, diftol=0.001, and fldres=20 (in differential equation mode)
See the System Variables article for details on what these variables actually do.
Advanced Uses
One common use for ZoomStd is as a prelude to ZoomInt in a program. This makes sure that the window variables are the same each time, which ZoomInt alone doesn't guarantee.