The randPoly() Command


Command Summary

Generates a random polynomial.

Command Syntax


Menu Location

  • Press 2nd MATH to enter the MATH popup menu.
  • Press 7 to enter the Probability submenu.
  • Press 8 to select randPoly(.

Calculator Compatibility

This command works on all calculators.

Token Size

1 byte

The randPoly() command generates a random polynomial. randPoly(var,deg) generates a random polynomial in variable var of degree deg. The coefficients of each power of var are random integers from -9 to 9.

:RandSeed 0

Advanced Uses

Using the RandSeed command makes the resulting polynomial entirely predictable: every time you set the random seed to some variable, you will get the same random coefficients afterwards. Also see RandSeed for details of how random numbers are generated.

Error Conditions

260 - Domain error happens when the value of deg is not between 0 and 99.

Related Commands

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